Welcome back families! Follow this link to view/download this week's virtual backpack: http://wcs.d300.org/sites/wcs.d300.org/files/documents/vb081313.pdf

Middle School AVID Families:

Please join us on August 15, 2013, at 6:30pm in room 126 for our annual "cookies and contracts" meeting. Meet the AVID staff, ask questions about the AVID program, eat cookies, and sign the AVID student contract. It will be short and sweet! We hope to see you there!

AVID Staff

The first day of school for students in grade K-8 is Wednesday, August 14. The school for elementary students begins at 8:15am and ends at 2:30pm. The school day for middle school students begins at 8:45am and ends at 3:30pm.
Middle school students will receive their team assignment and class schedule on the first day of school. On the first day, middle school students will report to the following areas to receive their team assignments:
  • 6th Graders - report to the cafeteria
  • 7th graders - report to the west side of the middle school gym
  • 8th graders - report to the east side of the middle school gym
In addition, each team of teachers will provide a variety of activities to help students acclimate to their new learning environment. Please do not call the school prior to August 14 requesting your child's team assignment.

Supply Lists


Supply lists are posted on the WCS website and can be found at http://wcs.d300.org/parents. If necessary, email Karen Kruse at [email protected] and she will send you an electronic copy.

We will have a "meet and greet" your teacher for elementary students on Tuesday, August 13 from 11:00am-12:00pm. This will be an informal opportunity for our elementary students to visit their classrooms, meet their teachers, and drop off their supplies.

PBIS Recognition


The Westfield Middle School PBIS team has been selected to present at the PBIS National Conference in October! Awesome job PBIS team!