Middle School:
7th grade girls:  Interested in playing volleyball?  Try outs are from Monday August 19th & Tuesday August
20th after school until 5:45pm.  You must attend both days when trying out for the team.  Have your rides
home at door 5.  You must have athletic packet forms filled out and turned in before tryouts on Monday.  Turn in all paperwork to MS office by 3:45pm Monday August 18th.  Any questions see Ms. Kopetsky.

8th grade girls:  Interested in playing volleyball?  Try outs will be Friday August 16th from 3:30 – 5:30pm and Monday August 19thfrom 7:15 – 8:30am.  You must attend both try out dates with your completed athletic packet and physical.  Any questions see Mrs. Rydz.

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